If you have been chased by the Bulls of Pamplona, rode with the Biker's of Sturgis, have been body painted for the Key West Fantasy Fest, celebrated the Queen's Birthday in Amsterdam, or experienced any other worldly pARTy Event that qualifies for the Party Reptile pARTy Events Art Wants You! to share it with him and the world.

Yes, Art Wants You! and Art Needs You to help him gather information about the events of the world. Art needs pictures you took of people when you were there, postcards mailed from the events you attended, plus factual and emotional comments of events you have had a first hand experience or involvement with.

Party Reptiles that assist in gathering the information will become one of the pARTy Reptile Elite and join the ranks of Art's Pals.  The best part is that you will know you helped others have a great time and maybe even better time than you did at the next Party Reptile event.

Check out the 
Event Submission Criteria section and get started today. Whether you went to an event 5 years ago, or this year share your experiences with your fellow Party Reptiles.  Send your pARTy Event info to RunAwayBill@PartyReptile.com today and Let's pARTy!

